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Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi

Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi

Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships in the world. It is built on trust, love, and mutual respect. However, not all friendships are genuine. Some are based on selfish motives, deceit, and betrayal. Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi can hurt more than any other relationship because they come from people we trust the most. In this article, we will explore the concept of fake friendship through the lens of Hindi Shayari.

Shayari, a form of poetic expression, has the power to convey deep emotions in just a few words. Let’s dive into the world of fake friendship Shayari and understand the pain, lessons, and emotions associated with it.

What is Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi?

Fake friendship is a relationship where one person pretends to be a friend but has hidden motives. These motives could be personal gain, manipulation, or simply using the other person for their own benefit. A fake friend will always be there in good times but disappear when you need them the most. They may smile at your face but talk behind your back. Recognizing a fake friend is not easy, but the pain they cause is real.

Shayari, with its emotional depth, beautifully captures the essence of fake friendships. It reflects the betrayal, heartbreak, and lessons learned from such relationships. Let’s explore some famous Shayari on fake friendships and understand their meaning.

Famous Fake Friendship Shayari in Hindi

1. The Pain of Betrayal

Famous Fake Friendship Shayari in Hindi

दोस्ती का मतलब समझा था हमने,
पर ये दोस्ती एक धोखा थी।
जब जरूरत पड़ी तो साथ छोड़ गए,
वो दोस्त नहीं, एक सबक थी।

I thought I understood the meaning of friendship,
But this friendship was a betrayal.
When I needed them, they left me alone,
They were not a friend, but a lesson.

This Shayari highlights the pain of realizing that someone you trusted was never a true friend. It teaches us that not everyone who smiles at us has good intentions.

2. The Mask of Friendship

The Mask of Friendship

दोस्ती के नाम पर खेला एक खेल,
हम समझे थे ये है असली मेल।
पर जब आंखें खुली तो देखा,
ये दोस्ती नहीं, एक ढोंग थी।

In the name of friendship, a game was played,
I thought it was a real connection.
But when my eyes opened, I saw,
This was not friendship, but a pretense.

This Shayari reflects the shock of discovering that a friendship was nothing but a facade. It reminds us to be cautious about who we trust.

3. The Lesson Learned

The Lesson Learned

दोस्ती में भी होते हैं दुश्मन छुपे,
ये बात समझ आई जब जिंदगी ने रुलाया।
अब हर चेहरे पर नहीं करता यकीन,
क्योंकि मुस्कुराते चेहरे ने धोखा खाया।

Even in friendship, enemies are hidden,
This truth hit me when life made me cry.
Now I don’t trust every face,
Because smiling faces have betrayed me.

This Shayari teaches us to be careful and not trust everyone blindly. It emphasizes the importance of discernment in relationships.

4. The Fake Smile

The Fake Smile

वो मुस्कुराते थे हमेशा मेरे सामने,
पर पीठ पीछे करते थे मेरी बुराई।
दोस्ती का ये अंदाज नहीं भाया,
अब दूर ही रहता हूँ ऐसे लोगों से।

They always smiled in front of me,
But behind my back, they spoke ill of me.
I didn’t like this style of friendship,
Now I stay away from such people.

This Shayari captures the hurt of being betrayed by someone who pretended to be a friend. It shows the importance of staying away from toxic people.

5. The Reality of Fake Friends

The Reality of Fake Friends

कितने दोस्त थे पास मेरे,
समझा था ये है सच्चा प्यार।
पर जब मुश्किल आई तो देखा,
सब थे बस दिखावे के तैयार।

I had so many friends around me,
I thought it was true love.
But when trouble came, I saw,
They were all just for show.

This Shayari reflects the disappointment of realizing that your friends were only there for the good times. It reminds us to value genuine relationships.

6. The Hidden Motives

The Hidden Motives

दोस्ती के नाम पर चलता है धंधा,
हर कोई अपना फायदा देखता है।
जो सच्चे हैं, वो ही रह जाते हैं,
बाकी तो समय के साथ बह जाते हैं।

In the name of friendship, business goes on,
Everyone looks out for their own benefit.
Only the true ones remain,
The rest just fade away with time.

This Shayari highlights the selfish motives behind some friendships. It shows that true friends are rare and precious.

7. The Broken Trust

The Broken Trust

वो दोस्ती जो सच्ची लगती थी,
वो भी एक झूठ निकली।
अब यकीन नहीं होता किसी पर,
क्योंकि दिल को गहरा धक्का लगी।

The friendship that seemed true,
Turned out to be a lie.
Now I can’t trust anyone,
Because my heart has been deeply hurt.

This Shayari expresses the pain of broken trust. It shows how fake friendships can make us lose faith in people.

8. The Lesson of Life

The Lesson of Life

जिंदगी ने सिखाया है एक सबक,
कि हर दोस्त सच्चा नहीं होता।
कुछ लोग बस अपना फायदा देखते हैं,
और दोस्ती का मतलब नहीं समझते।

Life has taught me a lesson,
That not every friend is true.
Some people only look out for their own benefit,
And don’t understand the meaning of friendship.

This Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi is a reminder that life teaches us hard lessons. It encourages us to be wise in choosing our friends.

9. The Fake Promises

The Fake Promises

वो कहते थे हमेशा साथ निभाएंगे,
पर जब वक्त आया तो साथ छोड़ गए।
दोस्ती के नाम पर बस झूठे वादे थे,
असली दोस्ती तो कुछ और ही होती है।

They always said they would stand by me,
But when the time came, they left me.
In the name of friendship, there were only false promises,
True friendship is something else.

This Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi reflects the pain of broken promises. It shows that true friendship is about actions, not words.

10. The Final Goodbye

The Final Goodbye

अब नहीं चाहिए ऐसी दोस्ती,
जिसमें सिर्फ दिखावा हो।
अलविदा कहता हूँ ऐसे लोगों को,
जो दोस्ती का मतलब नहीं जानते।

I don’t want such friendships anymore,
Where there is only pretense.
I bid farewell to such people,
Who don’t understand the meaning of friendship.

This Shayari is a powerful statement about letting go of fake friendships. It shows the strength to walk away from toxic relationships.

See Also;

Lessons from Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi

Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi is not just about expressing pain; it also teaches valuable life lessons. Here are some key takeaways:

  1. Trust Wisely: Not everyone who smiles at you is your well-wisher. Be cautious about who you trust.
  2. Value Genuine Relationships: True friends are rare. Cherish and nurture those relationships.
  3. Learn to Let Go: If someone betrays your trust, it’s better to let them go than to hold onto the pain.
  4. Focus on Yourself: Instead of dwelling on the betrayal, focus on self-growth and becoming a better person.
  5. Be a True Friend: Always strive to be a genuine and supportive friend to others.

The Emotional Impact of Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi

Fake friendships can have a profound emotional impact on an individual. The betrayal by someone you considered a close friend can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, and even depression. It can make you question your judgment and your ability to trust others. However, it’s important to remember that the actions of a fake friend are a reflection of their character, not yours.

Shayari provides a therapeutic outlet for these emotions. It allows individuals to express their pain and find solace in the fact that they are not alone in their experiences. Reading and writing Shayari can be a form of emotional healing, helping individuals process their feelings and move forward.

How to Identify a Fake Friend

Recognizing a fake friend can save you from a lot of heartache. Here are some signs to watch out for:

  1. They Only Reach Out When They Need Something: A fake friend will only contact you when they need a favor or support. They are rarely there for you when you need them.
  2. They Talk Behind Your Back: If you hear from others that your friend has been spreading rumors or speaking ill of you, it’s a clear sign of a fake friendship.
  3. They Don’t Celebrate Your Success: A fake friend may feel jealous or resentful of your achievements and will not genuinely celebrate your success.
  4. They Are Never Happy for You: If your friend seems indifferent or unhappy when good things happen to you, it’s a red flag.
  5. They Manipulate You: Fake friends often manipulate situations to their advantage and may try to control your decisions.

The Importance of Self-Reflection

While it’s easy to blame the fake friend, it’s also important to reflect on your own actions. Ask yourself:

  • Did I ignore any red flags in the beginning?
  • Did I set boundaries in the friendship?
  • Did I communicate my feelings effectively?

Self-reflection can help you learn from the experience and avoid similar situations in the future.

Moving On from a Fake Friendship Shayari In Hindi

Letting go of a fake friend can be difficult, but it’s necessary for your emotional well-being. Here are some steps to help you move on:

  1. Accept the Reality: Acknowledge that the friendship was not genuine and that it’s okay to let go.
  2. Focus on Positive Relationships: Surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you and support you.
  3. Engage in Self-Care: Take care of your mental and emotional health by engaging in activities that bring you joy.
  4. Learn from the Experience: Use the experience as a lesson to be more discerning in your future relationships.
  5. Forgive but Don’t Forget: Forgiveness can help you let go of the pain, but it’s important to remember the lessons learned.


Fake friendship Shayari in Hindi is a powerful way to express the emotions associated with betrayal and deceit. It not only reflects the pain but also teaches us important life lessons. Through these Shayari, we learn to recognize fake friends, value genuine relationships, and grow stronger from our experiences.

Remember, not every friendship is meant to last forever, but the lessons they teach us stay with us for a lifetime. So, the next time you come across a fake friend, let these Shayari remind you that you deserve better.
