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Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards

hindi shayari for wedding invitation cards

It may be common knowledge to some that wedding invitations are more than just mere formalities; they are, actually, the first look at a couple’s wedding. A wedding invitation must be much greater than a mere piece of paper; it has to reflect feelings, culture, and the personalities of the couple to be married. Love in Indian culture can, therefore, be said to be well represented in the Hindi Shayari, which is a traditional cultural form of expressing deep feelings. By adding the Hindi Shayari in the wedding invitation cards, it makes the invitation very feel so poetic and emotional for all the invitees.

The Role of Inscription: A Study of Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards

In this article, we will try to understand why Hindi Shayari is so important in the wedding invitation cards, discuss different topics, and offer you some handsome Shayari’s that you can use in your wedding invitation cards. Allow us to offer you design tips on how to create the right tones and romantic, traditional, or even unique invitation to the bridal couple.

I hope these lines beautifully express the essence of love and togetherness for your wedding invitation.

Hindi Shayari is a beautiful manner of expressing emotions and love and when it comes to the wedding it portrays the feeling of love, commitment, and starting of a new phase. It is not about pasting a Shayari with a poetic line but about passing the feels that the couple witnesses to their closed ones. Whether one needs to say the nicest things to woo their beloved, or simply has the sweet words in their heart that they can easily say with the help of this Arabic word – Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards is the best fit for wedding invitation.

With the use of Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards in your wedding invitations, you do not just pay tribute to an important literary form, but also reflect a cultural standard that is effecting a deep meaning into your invitations that will be understood by all the recipients. Whether it is a line that depicts the love that the couple has for each other or a more formal form of Shayari that pays respect to the tradition, and the rituals, it has the capability of making a simple invite, turn into something that is valued.

Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards

100-Line Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards;

In the garden of love, two hearts have bloomed,
Their union is a melody, forever tuned.

Under the stars, their vows are made,
In this sacred bond, they won’t fade.

Together they walk, hand in hand,
In this journey of life, so grand.

Their love is a river, flowing free,
Merging as one, like the sea.

In the temple of hearts, bells chime,
As they step into the dance of time.

With every breath, they pledge anew,
To cherish a love that’s always true.

The sun rises on a new day bright,
In their eyes, love’s pure light.

Bound by faith, trust, and care,
A life of joy they will share.

Their souls entwined, forever near,
In each other’s arms, they find cheer.

Like a fragrant flower, their love grows,
In the garden of life, it beautifully shows.

Their journey begins with a promise sweet,
In love’s embrace, they are complete.

Two souls, one destiny, they embrace,
With love’s true light, they grace.

As the moon and stars witness above,
Their hearts unite in boundless love.

In the book of life, a new chapter starts,
Written with the ink of loving hearts.

Side by side, they’ll face life’s weather,
In joy and sorrow, they’ll be together.

In the symphony of life, their hearts beat as one,
A love so pure, like the morning sun.

The threads of fate have tied them tight,
Their love will shine, eternally bright.

With every step, they build a life,
With joy, laughter, and little strife.

A journey of love, they begin today,
With hope, trust, and the heart’s way.

They dance to the rhythm of love’s sweet song,
In each other’s arms, where they belong.

Their hearts are temples, where love resides,
In this sacred bond, no fear hides.

As the world watches, they take their vow,
In love’s embrace, they are bound now.

Their love is a beacon, shining so clear,
Guiding them through every tear.

With every dawn, their love will renew,
A promise of forever, pure and true.

In the pages of time, their love is penned,
A tale of two hearts, without an end.

In the garden of life, they plant love’s seed,
Together they grow, with every deed.

The journey is long, but their love is strong,
In each other’s hearts, they belong.

With every sunset, their love will rise,
In each other’s eyes, a paradise.

A love story written in the stars above,
With every chapter, a deeper love.

Their hearts sing a melody sweet and pure,
In each other’s love, they find their cure.

Two souls, one path, they walk together,
In love’s embrace, through any weather.

Their love is a fire, burning bright,
In each other’s warmth, they find light.

In the dance of life, they move as one,
With every step, their love is spun.

Their journey is filled with laughter and tears,
But in each other, they conquer fears.

A bond so strong, it will never break,
In each other’s love, they awake.

Their hearts are filled with joy so true,
In love’s sweet embrace, they renew.

With every heartbeat, they promise to stay,
In each other’s arms, come what may.

In the book of life, their love is a verse,
A story of joy, not a curse.

As the winds of time gently blow,
Their love will only grow and grow.

Their love is a river, flowing deep,
In each other’s arms, they find sleep.

With every sunrise, a new day begins,
In love’s embrace, everyone wins.

Their hearts are locked, with love as the key,
In each other’s eyes, they are free.

A journey of love, they embark today,
With hope, trust, and endless play.

In the sky of life, they are stars so bright,
Guided by love, in day and night.

Their love is a song, so sweet and true,
In every note, they find something new.

With every breath, they promise to be,
In each other’s arms, eternally free.

Their love is a garden, blooming in spring,
In each other’s care, happiness they bring.

With every moment, their love will grow,
In each other’s hearts, it will always show.

Their journey is long, but they will thrive,
In each other’s love, they feel alive.

In the book of fate, their names are penned,
A love story that will never end.

Their love is a candle, burning bright,
In each other’s warmth, they find light.

As the seasons change, their love will remain,
In each other’s hearts, without strain.

Their love is a treasure, so rare and true,
In each other’s eyes, they always knew.

A promise of love, they make today,
In each other’s arms, they will stay.

Their hearts are temples of pure delight,
In each other’s love, they shine so bright.

In the garden of life, they plant love’s seed,
Together they grow, fulfilling each need.

Their love is a journey, with no end in sight,
In each other’s arms, everything feels right.

With every step, their love will bloom,
In each other’s hearts, there’s always room.

Their love is a melody, so sweet and pure,
In each other’s arms, they find the cure.

In the dance of life, they move as one,
In each other’s love, everything is done.

Their hearts beat in perfect rhyme,
In each other’s arms, they find time.

In the tapestry of life, they weave a tale,
In each other’s love, they will never fail.

Their love is a story, so sweet and true,
In each other’s eyes, the sky is blue.

As they walk this path, side by side,
In each other’s love, they take pride.

Their hearts are filled with endless light,
In each other’s arms, they find flight.

In the garden of life, their love will grow,
In each other’s care, they will always show.

Their love is a journey, so long and wide,
In each other’s hearts, they will abide.

hindi shayari for wedding invitation cards

100-line Urdu shayari for wedding invitation cards;

محبت کی وادی میں دو دل ملے ہیں
یہ رشتہ ہے پاک، جیسے چاند تلے ہیں

ستاروں کی چھاؤں میں وعدے ہوئے ہیں
اس پاک بندھن میں دونوں بندھے ہیں

ہاتھوں میں ہاتھ، ساتھ چلیں گے
زندگی کی راہ میں ہنستے ہنسیں گے

محبت کی نہر ہے یہ رواں
جو مل جائیں سمندر کی طرح رواں

دلوں کے مندر میں گھنٹیاں بجیں
وقت کے ساتھ یہ رشتہ پکے گا

ہر سانس کے ساتھ وعدہ کیا
محبت کا یہ سفر کبھی نہ ٹوٹے گا

نئے دن کا سورج روشن ہوا
محبت کی کرن دلوں میں پھوٹا

یقین اور وفا کا ہے یہ بندھن
خوشیوں میں دونوں کا ہوگا ساتھ

دونوں روحیں مل کر ہمسفر بنیں
ایک دوسرے کے بازو میں سکون پائیں

پھولوں کی خوشبو میں محبت بڑھتی ہے
زندگی کی باغیچہ میں کھلتی ہے

نئے وعدوں کے ساتھ یہ سفر شروع
محبت کے رنگوں میں دونوں رنگین

دو روحیں ایک ہو گئیں، قسمت نے ملایا
محبت کی روشنی میں روشنی پھیلایا

چاند اور ستاروں کے گواہ
محبت کے اس بندھن میں سب ہوا

زندگی کی کتاب میں ایک نیا باب
دلوں کے قلم سے لکھی محبت کی کہانی

زندگی کے موسموں میں ساتھ رہیں گے
دکھ سکھ میں ایک دوسرے کا ساتھ دیں گے

زندگی کی راگ میں دلوں کا ایک ساتھ
محبت کا سفر، روشن راستہ

قسمت کے دھاگے نے باندھا ہے
محبت کی روشنی میں سب کچھ سنوارا ہے

ہر قدم پر خوشی کی تلاش
محبت کے سفر میں کوئی نہ ہوگا پچھاڑ

آج سے زندگی کی راہ چلیں گے
امید، وفا اور محبت کے ساتھ

محبت کے سُر میں دل دھڑکتے ہیں
بازو میں ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ چلتے ہیں

زندگی کے مندر میں یہ وعدہ ہوا
محبت کے اس سفر میں کوئی نہ ہوا

جہاں کی نظروں کے سامنے یہ وعدہ
محبت کے اس بندھن میں بندھے ہیں

محبت کا چراغ جلتا رہے گا
ہر لمحہ، ہر لمحہ محبت بڑھتی رہے گی

وقت کے ساتھ محبت کی داستان
دو دلوں کی کہانی، کبھی نہ ہوگی پرانی

زندگی کی باغیچہ میں محبت کی فصل
محبت کی فصل سے خوشی کی فصل

زندگی کی راہ میں محبت کا سفر
ہر قدم پر محبت کا راز

محبت کی خوشبو میں یہ رشتہ
خوشیوں کی بارش، محبت کا نشان

ہر سانس کے ساتھ محبت کا وعدہ
زندگی کی کتاب میں محبت کا نقشہ

وقت کے ساتھ یہ محبت بڑھے
ہر لمحہ، ہر دن یہ محبت جڑے

محبت کی وادی میں دو دل ملے
زندگی کے اس سفر میں ساتھ چلے

محبت کی روشنی میں دل دھڑکتے
ایک دوسرے کے بازو میں سکون پاتے

محبت کا باغ ہے، بہاروں میں کھلتا
خوشیوں کے بیچ، یہ رشتہ جڑتا

محبت کی شمع، ہر پل روشن
زندگی کے سفر میں کوئی نہ ہوگا اوجھل

محبت کی گواہی میں یہ وعدہ
زندگی کے سفر میں کوئی نہ ہوگا جدا

زندگی کے ہر موڑ پر محبت کا ساتھ
ہر قدم پر محبت کا راہ

محبت کی روشنی، دلوں کا اجالا
زندگی کے سفر میں دونوں کا ساتھ

محبت کی خوشبو، دلوں کا سکون
ہر لمحہ، ہر دن، یہ وعدہ

زندگی کے باغیچہ میں محبت کی خوشبو
خوشیوں کے پھولوں میں محبت کا احساس

محبت کا سفر، کبھی نہ ختم ہونے والا
ہر قدم پر محبت کا راز

ہر لمحہ محبت کا وعدہ
زندگی کے سفر میں دونوں کا ساتھ

محبت کی داستان، دلوں کی کہانی
ہر پل، ہر لمحہ، محبت کا نشان

زندگی کے راہ میں محبت کا چراغ
ہر قدم پر محبت کا نور

محبت کا سفر، زندگی کا سفر
ہر لمحہ، ہر پل، محبت کا راز

زندگی کے باغیچہ میں محبت کی خوشبو
ہر قدم پر محبت کا راستہ

محبت کا چراغ، روشن ہے دلوں میں
زندگی کے سفر میں کوئی نہ ہوگا اوجھل

زندگی کے ہر موڑ پر محبت کا ساتھ
ہر قدم پر محبت کا راز

Themes for Hindi Shayari in Wedding Invitations

When choosing the Shayari to be printed on your wedding invitation you must keep in mind the theme and the mood of the wedding. The Shayari should blend in well will all other social aspects and incidences of the particular occasion. Here are a few popular themes:Here are a few popular themes:

1. Romantic Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards

The Romantic Shayari is ideal to the couple that desires to have their wedding invitation cards to be a narration of their love. This type of Shayari emphasizes on feelings of love, affection, passion toward each other and the couple’s intimacy. It fits well in weddings that are organized in the backdrop of love and romance.


“तेरे हर दर्द को हम अपना बनाएँगे, 

तू जो कहे, वही हम निभाएँगे, 

थाम लेंगे तेरे गमों को इस कदर, 

हमें खुशी होगी तुझे खुशी का एहसास दिलाने में।”

2. Traditional Shayari

For cultural-conscious couples, traditional Shayari is for you. This Shayari commonly holds the extramarital affairs, the ritualistic customs, Family ties, and the sanctity of marriages. This is because; weddings that entail so much tradition with set customs should find this a good option.


‘There are seven rounds and seven vows’,
Yeh jivan bhara bandhan,
According to a marriage vow ‘We will stay together till seven birth’.
It’s funny how this song in which there are no swear words to be found in the lyrics has been banned:

“Har janam mein tera haath thamein.”

3. Devotional Shayari

Devotional Shayari should go well with couples who want to ask for blessings from the almighty on their big day. Mainly, this type of Shayari is filled with references to gods and goddesses, blessings for a happy married life and spiritualism.


“तेरे हर दर्द को हम अपना बनाएँगे, 

तू जो कहे, वही हम निभाएँगे, 

थाम लेंगे तेरे गमों को इस कदर, 

हमें खुशी होगी तुझे खुशी का एहसास दिलाने में।”

“हर कदम पर तू साथ रहे, 

भगवान का आशीर्वाद रहे, 

सुख और समृद्धि से भरा जीवन हो, 

हर पल प्रेम का वास रहे।”

4. Modern Shayari

For the contemporary couple who do not desire the traditionally designed Shayari, modern shayari is the most appropriate. This type of Shayari does not carry the stern or the formal approach that is related to typical forms of such type of poetry but has the influence of modernistic flavor to it.


‘You are the answer to these words I utter

Our relation is you, account it.

That he could never forget and that was his dream which is as follows.

You just knew my life’s answer.”

Incorporating Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards Invitations;

Fortunately, choosing the right Shayari is not enough; it is as relevant to how it will be included in the wedding invitation. Here are some tips for seamlessly integrating Shayari into your wedding cards:Here are some tips for seamlessly integrating Shayari into your wedding invitation cards:

1. Placement Matters

The position that the Shayari is put on the invitation card is very important. You can put it in the beginning as a prologue or at the top of the specific page, you can place it in the middle to make the text more diverse and not boring, or in the end to bring the final thought. Every placement is distinct in terms of impact, and therefore select one that will give you the appropriate tone.

2. Font and Design

These aspects of the font style and design do contribute a huge percentage in how the Shayari looks like and how it is accepted. Traditional script font that might be used in traditional Shayari is enough while a modern font will suit the modern Shayari’s style. However, the color of the text should favorability be selected such that it is readable off the background color of the set maintaining the theme.

3. Language Integration

In case your wedding invitation is in two languages, think how in this case the Hindi Shayari can be combined with the second language. If you want, you can track the Shayari just below the English translation of it or, alternatively, you can put together the whole section of Hindi Shayari for Wedding Invitation Cards in Hindi. It also serves to guarantee that the emotions are transmitted to all those concerned and also guarantee compliance with the cultural aspect of the invitation.

4. Personalization

It would be quite possible to provide a specific, quite personal touch to the chosen Shayari and make references to the couple’s story. Using Shayari personally, specific names or certain aspects of the lovers’ relationship may be added to an existing Shayari. Different shayaris are there, but to make invitation more interesting and different people go for personalized shayaris.


What is Hindi Shayari?

Still, the trouble is the same as before: defining a specific concept that seems intuitive and self-explanatory: Hindi Shayari refers to poetry or verse written in Hindi, which signifies feelings, emotions, and concept in poetic form. It is often employed in expressing love, yearning, fidelity and other feelings attractively and melodiously.

How does Hindi Shayari be incorporated into the wedding invitation?

Adding a Hindi Shayari in your wedding invitation card makes your card little poetic and full of emotions. It portrays authentic emotions of the couple, brings more meaning to cultural invitations, and becomes more meaningful for the receivers.

Can I use English translations of Hindi Shayari in my wedding invitation?

Yes, you are free to have the English translation of the Hindi Shayari together with the actual Hindi Shayari. Thus the messages’ content and meaning will also reach all the needed addressees without regard to the language barrier.

What do I do to help me select the Shayari for my wedding invitation?

A Shayari to be used should be relevant to the theme and the kind of wedding you are having. Do you wish to have it romantic or traditional, devotional or modern and then choose the Shayaris which you like and that sends the correct message that you want to deliver.

Where should I place the Shayari on my wedding invitation card?

The position of Shayari varies with the arrangement of your card, the flow, and the design of your invitation. It should be possible to incorporate it to top with a message of welcome, in the middle to provide a break from the text body and at the end of the text as a sign off. Each placement has a different effect, so that they choose to use one will be right for the style of the card.

Can I personalize the Shayari with our names or relationship details?

Of course; the Shayari can always be dedicated in line with the nature of the relationship you have with the recipient of the Shayari. Using the couple’s names or other details about your story can make the invitation more personal an attractive to the guests.


If you are looking out for a way to give ethnic and poetic touch to your wedding invitation card, consider including Hindi Shayari in your wedding invitation cards. Whether it is a love theme or a heritage, devotion, modern ambiance, or anything of that nature, the Shayari lets you pass your feelings to the guests. Shayari, if chosen wisely and integrated into speech with proper consideration, is helpful in making an invitation; not only to invite a person but also to captivate him.
